Ruppert Bridge on Mill Road, Rhinecliff

Replaced in 1939. Now, per the bronze plaque on it, nondescript “Dutchess Co. Highway Dept Bridge No.R-14.”

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Col. Olin Property Bridge and Dam, c1900

These are on private property, I’ll need to get permission to photograph.

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Dr. Miller Site Bridge, c1900

This is not the bridge you see off Rt. 308 when you drive by, this is the second bridge in (closer to the falls). I had to bushwhack to get a reasonably close shot. The second picture is the bridge you see off 308. I recall it got substantially washed out maybe 5 years ago and had to be rebuilt.

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Mill Road Bridge, 1913

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Mill Road Bridge, 1970's

The bridge/dam hasn’t changed at all since this picture postcard was published. You can just see the ruins of the old mill on the far right.

Wurtemburgh Road Bridge, c1900

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Astor (concrete) bridge, Mill Street (Rt.9), c1913

The Astor Bridge, completed 1911 (so now 110 yrs old), was a gift to the town by John Jacob Astor IV, the year before he perished on the Titanic. By 1911, automobiles were starting to hit the road. I’m guessing Mr. Astor knew the old bridge (old photos of it exist) couldn’t support his motorcars.

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It’s impossible to take this same shot as both overgrowth and this pedestrian bridge obstruct the view. It’s still there if you look close between the two bridges! Note the pedestrian bridge is also quite old, it’s in the above postcard pictures.

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